So, now that we all know what emotional intelligence is, how do we know if we have it? How do you tell if you have low emotional intelligence? What happens if I’m one of the people with low EQ? And what do I do...
More To Explore
8 Ways To Stop Over-Apologizing
Hi everyone! Today I’m talking about the habit of apologizing, why we do it, what happens when we do, and some ideas for how to stop over-apologizing. This is actually probably worth several blog posts (and/or podcasts...
Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude
As Thanksgiving approaches next month, those of us that celebrate may be starting to think about the things we’re thankful for. But what if we didn’t do that just at Thanksgiving? Spending the time and...
Faith and the Critical Thinker
We’ve been talking a lot lately about critical thinking and healthy skepticism, but what about faith? According to George Michael, you gotta have it, but why? If we’re supposed to be questioning everything...