I LOVE The Office! And Coffee, Grit, and Inspiration!

It’s Inauguration Day!

Welcome to the official launch of the Coffee, Grit, and Inspiration blog!

I have a confession to make.

I had a post all ready to go for today, our first official day of the CGInspo blog, all about growth mindset. Which, don’t get me wrong, is a great topic. But after I started thinking about it, I wanted the very first post you see to be more…special. More personal, maybe.

So instead of the post I had planned for today, instead you get a little more about me, what I hope to do here, and an ask for help.

More About Me & Why I’m Here

If you read my About page, you know some facts about me and my background. Here are a couple things you may not know about me:

  • I have a secret addiction. To cheesy poofs. In all honesty, it’s maybe not so secret.
  • I’m also addicted to taking selfies. Also not secret. At all.
  • I am a huge video game nerd. I’m serious. Right now I’m playing Monster Hunter World with my husband, his brother, his sister, and her husband. I’m trying to make all the pretty armor! I also like Ark, Guild Wars, and games like the Warhammer, Civilization, and Age of Empires series.
  • I hate the fact that I’m getting older.
  • Dying is my biggest fear.
  • I am terrified that I’m a terrible parent.

I started Coffee, Grit, and Inspiration because I really want to help people. My fondest wish right now is that someday someone will read what I’ve posted here and tell me that something I wrote helped them feel better, or get through a rough patch, or that I inspired them to take steps toward making positive changes in their life. If I can do that and hopefully make a little money doing it, that’s my idea of a great success.

What You Can Look Forward To

Heather Abbe and Dianne Whitford
Heather (left) and I

For now, I’m keeping it to a blog, but soon you can look forward to a podcast and a YouTube channel starting later this year. My dear friend, sister-in-law, and sometimes personal-sanity-checker Heather Abbe will be posting a series every Friday, and I will be posting my content on Mondays with some special editions on Wednesdays.

I plan to have themes that will last for four weeks each, and cover various topics, such as:

  • Growth mindset, fixed mindset, and how to change it
  • Failure and how to deal with it
  • Growing your creativity and ways to practice it
  • Self-care practices like having compassion for yourself, journaling, and creating more time for yourself
  • Product reviews and recommendations for things I think (hope) will help you in any and/or all of the above areas of your life.

I will be issuing challenges from time to time, such as a 30-day journaling challenge coming in October, and various other challenges with small prizes that hopefully help you keep up with your practice. I’ll also be starting a monthly newsletter in September, and I’m thinking about offering a weekly digest, so be sure to subscribe to the mailing list so you can get the updates!

You can connect with me on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook under Coffee, Grit, and Inspiration, and on Twitter at @CGInspo.

Call to Action

All of that being said, on this, my first official day in my new blog, I would love to hear from you!

What can I help you with?

If you have a few minutes today or later this week, if you can take a few minutes to answer a couple questions for me, you’d be helping me better serve you in ways that matter to you.

I’d love to know your opinions about which I should focus on first and any other topics you’d like to hear about.

You can use this contact form to reach out. The email will go directly to me and I literally can’t wait to hear from you!

MEANWHILE, I will post the blog that I had set aside for today on Wednesday instead! It will be focused on growth mindset, which is the theme I’ve picked for the next four weeks.

I am really looking forward to meeting all of you. I hope you have a wonderful week and I’ll see you on Wednesday!

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Dianne Whitford

I believe I was put here for a purpose: to write, create, and inspire people! Therefore, most of the time, you can find me doing (or trying to do) one of those things. When I'm not vegging out to video games or stuffing my face full of cheesy poofs.


Dianne Whitford

I believe I was put here for a purpose: to write, create, and inspire people! Therefore, most of the time, you can find me doing (or trying to do) one of those things. When I'm not vegging out to video games or stuffing my face full of cheesy poofs.

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