Growth Mindset Index

Hey y’all!

This page summarizes all the content delivered during the Growth Mindset theme. As we move forward, if a post has to do with growth mindset, we will add it here.

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CGInspo Blog Posts and Podcasts

Click here to view all our posts and podcasts about growth mindset!


Articles and Websites

We’re definitely not the only ones writing articles about this! Here are some of the better ones we found around the interwebs.


These are books I recommend that are related to growth mindset.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance | Angela Duckworth [affiliate link]

This is one of my favorite books, ever. In it, Ms. Duckworth details the studies and research that led her to form her theories about grit. This involves – surprise, surprise – growth mindset!
You can read more about Angela on her website here.

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone | Lori Gottlieb [affiliate link]

This book takes you through the personal journeys of the author (a therapist) and several of her patients. It reads like a story, and you learn about the benefits and difficulties of therapy. It’s chock full of noteworthy quotes too! While the book doesn’t focus on growth mindset specifically, it talks about understanding yourself, your reactions, and ever seeking to know yourself better.

I Can’t Do That, Yet: Growth Mindset | Esther P Cordova and Maima Adiputri [affiliate link]

This is a beautifully illustrated children’s book that introduces kids to the idea of growth mindset.

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success | Carol S. Dweck [affiliate link]

This is the original definition of a growth mindset, by the Stanford professor that first began investigating it. While I found some parts a little repetitive and others didn’t feel like they were relevant to me particularly, it is definitely chock full of information and case studies that help you understand what a growth mindset is and how it shows up. In a recent update to the ebook, she added an entire section on developing a growth mindset. You may find this one useful!

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Dianne Whitford

I believe I was put here for a purpose: to write, create, and inspire people! Therefore, most of the time, you can find me doing (or trying to do) one of those things. When I'm not vegging out to video games or stuffing my face full of cheesy poofs.

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