Everything You Need to Know About Empathy

Empathy is a critical skill that will help improve your relationships, your listening skills, your management quality, emotional intelligence, and general sense of well-being and belonging in society. That’s a pretty tall order! Empathy, in a nutshell, is the ability to identify with the emotions and feelings of others. Having empathy means you’re able to connect better with those around you. This leads to deeper relationships and connections to others.

Empathy is a skill like any other, and can be learned. So don’t be discouraged if you don’t think of yourself as particularly empathetic. This page has lots of helpful resources to help you on your way to growing your empathy skills.

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CGInspo Articles and Podcasts

Click here for all our posts and podcasts relating to Empathy!

You’ll find tasty goodies like an introduction to empathy, a podcast on active listening, how to increase your empathy, and some of the pitfalls and things to watch out for.

Articles and Websites


Learn how to increase your empathy with these 5 tips


Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy | Sheryl Sandberg

While this book is focused mostly on resilience, there’s also a lot in here about empathy and how to express it successfully to someone going through something traumatic. I recommend it for several reasons!

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 | Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves

Empathy is just one part of emotional intelligence, but a big one! This is one of the better books I’ve read about emotional intelligence in general.

Dianne Whitford

I believe I was put here for a purpose: to write, create, and inspire people! Therefore, most of the time, you can find me doing (or trying to do) one of those things. When I'm not vegging out to video games or stuffing my face full of cheesy poofs.

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