More To Explore

Talk to yourself kindly. Recognize that how you feel is not who you are.

I’m Not What I Feel: Self-Talk

What’s self-talk? All day long, all of us have feelings about events in our lives. We feel loved, hurt, lonely, anxious; many feelings race through our heads every day. But what if I told you that your self...

Empathy Extremes in Relationships

Empathy, when expressed well, can be a relationship builder with those around you. It can be a way of creating and deepening connections. Sometimes though, the having or lack of empathy can go too far in either...

The monkeysphere can limit you - use critical thinking to break out!

Rebel Against the Monkeysphere!

What the heck? What is a monkeysphere and why do we need to fight against it? Well, we’re going to get into that, and why we need to take a stand against our primate brains! Believe it or not, there is a link here...

Find a good balance between being both supportive and demanding with your family and coworkers

Being Supportive and Demanding

This week I have another nugget from Grit [affiliate link] by Angela Duckworth. When thinking about parenting, or leadership, or even in the relationship one is developing with oneself, people often question whether...

Too Tired to Care: Emotional Burnout

Empathy is a great thing! We’ve been talking a lot about how to grow your empathic skill set, and how it benefits your relationships. We know that too much empathy or not enough empathy can be damaging to our...

Delayed Gratification and Success

All of us have probably been in this situation: “I want something and I want it now”. We all deal with it. We say, “That piece of cake is calling my name…”, when we are trying to lose...

Growing a Pearl: Examining Grit

We’ve been talking about grit for this month’s theme, how you can grow it, and what it means to us. But what if we were a tad more literal for just a moment. Let’s talk about the rewards of grit in...