More To Explore

“SMART” Your Goals

Having SMART goals will enable you to more easily keep track of where you are in relation to succeeding at those goals. There are many different theories about what makes a good goal. The one I have found to be most...

emapthy fatigue is a real problem.

Too Tired to Care: Emotional Burnout

Empathy is a great thing! We’ve been talking a lot about how to grow your empathic skill set, and how it benefits your relationships. We know that too much empathy or not enough empathy can be damaging to our...

Being Supportive and Demanding

This week I have another nugget from Grit [affiliate link] by Angela Duckworth. When thinking about parenting, or leadership, or even in the relationship one is developing with oneself, people often question whether...

How to stop saying "I'm sorry" for everything

8 Ways To Stop Over-Apologizing

Hi everyone! Today I’m talking about the habit of apologizing, why we do it, what happens when we do, and some ideas for how to stop over-apologizing. This is actually probably worth several blog posts (and/or podcasts...

CPB S2E2: Counting Your Contributions

Counting your contributions – your wins – can have a huge impact on your emotional resilience, your confidence, and your sense of self worth. Show yourself some self-compassion and spend a few minutes each...

Growth Mindsets and Relationships

Did you ever watch a Disney movie and think, “Happily ever after is a relationship goal!”? I know as a kid, I wished for my Prince Charming to come sweep me off of my feet. What my life experience has taught...