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Delayed Gratification and Success

All of us have probably been in this situation: “I want something and I want it now”. We all deal with it. We say, “That piece of cake is calling my name…”, when we are trying to lose...

Make your goals SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based.

“SMART” Your Goals

Having SMART goals will enable you to more easily keep track of where you are in relation to succeeding at those goals. There are many different theories about what makes a good goal. The one I have found to be most...

Being Supportive and Demanding

This week I have another nugget from Grit [affiliate link] by Angela Duckworth. When thinking about parenting, or leadership, or even in the relationship one is developing with oneself, people often question whether...

Mentor grit when you see it - straighten their crown!

“Straighten Their Crown”: Mentoring Grit

So, we’ve been learning a lot about our theme this month, grit. Monday Dianne covered what it means to be supportive and demanding. So now we know how to start the process of growing grit. But what about mentoring...